Tuesday 26 January 2010

11/01/10 - 17/01/10 Plan And Update - Jason

Sorry for the extremely late update folks, our schedule has been so hectic i haven't actually had time to update our blog. I perfectly remember everything that had happened these past three weeks so here is the first week update:
From the 11th-17th, we were preparing our pitch. Many things had come into consideration while preparing like our speech, the amount of text we were going to use, text examples we were going to show etc. The main themes of our pitch were post-production, character development and the theories we were going to apply to our production e.g. Toldorov's theory of the seven spheres of action.
On the 11th, we were planning our concept for our pitch. Harris and Kalbir were also busy drawing concept art especially for our pitch.
From the 12th-17th we were busy building our pitch. We were writing our speeches for each topic we were going to explore during our presentation along with trying to find examples and inspirations that were best suited to our pitch to show everyone what vision we were trying to achieve.
On the 17th (which was a day before our pitch) we had got everything into order and was ready for the presentation. A few minor changes needed to be made, mainly to do with our style of speech and what we say. The next post will be about the pitch and the aftermath.

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