Friday 26 February 2010

08/02/10 - 12/02/10 Plan And Update - Kalbir

So this week we had a few problems within the group, namely conflicts and disagreements. We all knew we could get this production done, but we were finding it hard to motivate ourselfs and we had almost nothing filmed.

So, near the start of the week we met with Mr. Bush and he helped out 'thrash out' our differences. It worked quite well I'd say, as we started up with a slightly renewed attitude, and began filming almost immediately.

It was the week before half term so there was a bit of pressure, as we wanted to get the final fight scene filmed in the Hall so we could begin drawing in the half-term. Unfortunately this didnt happen as Mr. Bush's schedule didnt permit any time to film in the hall, but we DID manage to get several other scenes done, including the first scene of me, the classroom scenes (for the most part) and the first Enforcer scene.

Ok, so maybe it wasnt as much as we'd hoped, but it was still progress, and I think most people would agree that it's much harder to co-ordinate a scene where punches are thrown as opposed to just a standard scene with dialogue.


Near the end of the week, we had to show the class the progress we had made so far. I had spent quite a bit of time using After Affects to add the noir/colour style to the first scene, but because I hadnt compressed the output file, it was a monstrous 2.5GB, which essentially killed the computers at school. So we just showed the class raw footage, which was recieved well but the cricism was made that the Enforcer scene had bad lighting, which to be fair wasnt our fault (extention cords are rare these days). So that crossed that scene off of our "Finished" list, and meant we would have to film it again AFTER the half term

Maybe it was a mistake choosing media,,

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